I am pleased to announce our brand-spanking-new web site, currently online at [http://www.mactechnologies.com]. It is a marvel of design achievement heretofore unwitnessed by mortal men. It shall no doubt lead to the cessation of all other artistic and utilitarian efforts since it will be viewed, without a doubt, as the ultimate product of all previous cyber-events that lead to the moment of its incarnation. Behold the wonder of it!

OK, so it’s just a web site, but I am still pretty proud of it. First, it was designed and written entirely in-house with a focus on function, with a little bit of form thrown in. The thing is all PHP and database-driven with a modular architecture that will make future updates a snap.

In fact, it’s buzzword-friendly in all the right ways.

For example, these e-mails that I’ve sent out over the years have been recreated as blog entries that can be searched, commented upon, and subscribed to via RSS. Support articles have also been entered in the blog making additions as simple as typing a letter and as accessible as… well, a blog entry. You’ll even find instructions for taking over the world with nothing more than roller skates and a worn toothbrush. (Disclaimer: No, you won’t.)

So have a look. I doubt you’ll make it the center of your surfing life, but you might find it handy from time to time.

[Written by Kem Tekinay]