Eddie on vacation

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Ed Covelli will be leaving tomorrow to set out on a worldwide cruise aboard a boat of his own construct, made of tongue depressors, model glue and shellac, using novelty, oversized tablespoons for paddles and a slightly torn Greatest American Hero t-shirt as a sail. Because of the prevalent headwinds throughout the planned course, his journey is expected to take 3 years, but due to the miracle of stop-motion photography and his expected-to-be-rapidly-consumed stock of Red Bull and Turkish coffee, he will be back to work on the morning of Tuesday, July 6.

While Eddie is on the high-seas, I stand by to assist in whatever capacity I am able. You can reach me at the office number of 212/201-1465, send an e-mail, or an IM to “ktekinay”.

iOS 4.0 for iPhone available

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Apple has released iOS 4.0, the renamed OS for their portable devices like the iPhone and iPad. This version will work on the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and upcoming iPhone 4, but not on the original iPhone. Some of the new features require an iPhone 3GS or better.

There is no cost for the upgrade and you can download and install it all through iTunes. While the list of benefits and improvements is long, there are also some bugs of the annoying variety. My advice is to wait until Apple fixes some of them in a 4.0.1 update (or whatever they call it) before taking the plunge.

You can read more about the upgrade and its new features here.

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